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  • PUBLICATION ETHICS – Проблемы когнитивного и функционального описания русского и болгарского языков

    Authors’ rights and obligations

    • Authors of a publication are considered people who have contributed considerably to writing the article. Everyone who has a substantial contribution should be identified as a co-author. The abuse of copyright is ethically unacceptable.
    • The authors should keep the primary data related to the article for editorial review if requested after the publication of the article.
    • Any form of plagiarism is strictly prohibited. The submitted materials must be original. If the authors use parts of their own or other people’s work, they should be cited correctly.
    • It is considered unethical to present the same article simultaneously to more than one publisher. The authors are supposed to publish materials with identical studies already offered to other publishers. The authors declare that the materials have not been published before in written or electronic form.
    • Authors should report conflicts of interest that may affect the final results of the research. The publication or use of the material without prior consent of the other co-authors is unacceptable.
    • Upon detection of significant errors in already published articles the authors are required to notify the Editorial Board immediately and cooperate to withdraw or correct the issue.

    Reviewers’ rights and obligations

    • Reviewers’ work is particularly important for improving the quality of the materials submitted for publication. Reviews play a crucial role in the decisions of the Editorial Board in publishing any article.
    • The reviewers must notify the editor when they do not consider themselves qualified enough to review a particular material, or when they are unable to examine the manuscript on time. In such case the material is forwarded to another reviewer.
    • The principle of confidentiality is essential in the work of the reviewers. The reviewer must not disclose or discuss the contents of the manuscript with another person unless s/he has received an explicit permission from the editor.
    • Reviews must be based on the objective qualities of the article. The reviewers are obliged to provide an impartial, competent and clear assessment with sufficient arguments.
    • Reviewers are required to observe proper citation and use of data and sources. In case of detected violations (inaccuracies and omissions in the bibliography or finding pieces of the material in already published articles) they should notify the editor.
    • Reviewers should withdraw from the reviewing process when there is a conflict of interest arising from professional, personal, financial and other relations with the author.

    Editors’ rights and obligations

    • The Editorial Board decides which of the submitted articles will be published in the next issue of the series. The decision is based on criteria for publication, the objectives and scope of the series. A guiding principle for publication is the importance of the research for the development of scientific knowledge and its academic contribution to science. The Editorial Board is obliged to inform the author about all the deficiencies and inaccuracies, without the removal and correction of which the article will not be published.
    • The evaluation of manuscripts by the members of the Editorial Board should be done according to their content regardless of the gender, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, ethnicity or political beliefs of the authors.
    • The Editorial Board has the right to discuss the materials submitted only with the author, the reviewers and the publisher.
    • Editors must decline considering articles in which they have a conflict of interest based on competitive or cooperative relationships with any of the authors, sponsors or institutions associated with the publication.
    • The Editorial Board shall take immediate action upon receiving a signal of unethical behaviour, such as incorrect citation, plagiarism, inaccuracies in the data used and manipulation of the results. Measures include contacting the parties and institutions to establish the veracity of ethical violations. The result could lead to the withdrawal of the manuscript or, if the paper has already been published, to subsequent publishing of the revealed ethical violations.
    • The authors have the right to an additional review, but only if they provide evidence of any mistakes made by the reviewers. In this case a new expert committee can be formed that should make the final review.

    Rights and obligations of the publishers

    • The publisher is not involved in making decisions from the Editorial Board to publish individual articles.
    • The publisher guarantees that the advertising, reprint, or other commercial activity associated with the publication will not affect editorial decisions.
    • The publisher connects the Editorial Board or reviewers with other magazines and publishers when necessary. The publisher collaborates with other publishers and organizations in setting standards and good practices for publishing ethics.