The scientific research series has been published since 2002
The twelve volumes published so far are the result of the development and realization of various research projects of the Department of Russian Language, managed in turn by Assoc. Prof. Damyan Mitev, Prof. Dr. Totka Ivanova, Assoc. Prof. Anna Nikolova, Prof. Dr. Valentina Avramova, Prof. Dr. Elena Stoyanova. The research focus in the series is on the study of the cognitive and communicative mechanisms and their role in the functioning of the Russian and Bulgarian languages. The authors of the series include researchers from the Department of Russian language, distinguished scholars from Russia, Bulgaria and various European countries, such as St. Dimitrova, E. Klobukov, L. Klobukova, V. Shaklein, G. Fygurosovska, R. Gaysina, E. Ivanova, and others with whom the Department has had long-lasting and beneficial contacts. Colleagues who are specialists in Bulgarian, English and German languages can also publish their research in the series. We publish articles in Russian, Bulgarian and English.
The series is indexed and watched by RINC, ЕRIHPLUS, SCRIBD, Global index for Continuing Researchers Google Scholar and included in the National Reference List of NACID.
All articles submitted for publication undergo a two-step blind peer-review process undertaken by experts in the respective areas. The Editor-in-Chief makes sure the paper meets the technical requirements of the series and, together with the members of the editorial board, chooses two reviewers who are specialists in the research area of the paper submitted for publication.
The reviewers evaluate the received text on the basis of the following criteria: relevance of the topic, theoretical and applied significance of the study, contribution to academic debate, originality, language and structure of the text. On the basis of the review, the reviewers to: publish the article as it is; publish it after the reviewer’s recommendations have been met; publish it after redrafting and another review procedure, decline its publication.
The remarks and recommendations of the reviewers are sent to the authors by e-mail without the names of the reviewers.
The articles are reviewed within 1 to 3 months after the deadline for their submission. The final decision for the article to be published is taken by the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board.